Filarion Floshin
Filarion Floshin
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Biographical Information | |
Home | Floshin House, Daggerford, Duchy of Daggerford |
Born |
Year of the Starfall (1300 DR) (age in 1357: 57) |
Died |
- |
Aliases |
Filvendorson |
House | House Floshin |
Physical Description | |
Race | Gold Elf |
Gender | Male |
Height |
5'9" |
Hair Color |
Black |
Eye Color |
Violet |
Skin Color |
Caucasian |
Family Information | |
Parents | Filvendor Floshin, Elsarassa Cerinlar (deceased, 1315 DR) |
Siblings/Etc | Kelson Floshin (half-brother) |
Spouse |
None |
Children |
None Known |
Household |
- |
Chronological and Political Information | |
Affiliations | Knaves of the Missing Page, Harpers (suspected) |
Born in the Year of the Starfall (1300 DR), Filarion “Filvendorson” Floshin is the only son of Filvendor “Lightfoot” Floshin and Elsarassa Cerinlar (born 1182 DR, died 1315 DR), a moon elf who once served in Lord Elorfindar’s employ. From his earliest days, Filarion has always been an energetic, restless, curious, sly trickster, charismatic and engaging, but of pliable morals.
After his parents’ brief affair ended, Filarion moved with his mother back to her native Evereska, where he was known as Filarion Filvendorson, and she found work at the Unicorn and Crescent Inn. Filarion grew up at the inn, where he had a habit of stealing bits of magic here and there from various guests of the inn, only occasionally getting caught. In the Year of Spilled Blood (1315 DR), in what was briefly quite the scandal, Elsarassa was attacked devoured by “monster trees” of some sort that suddenly appeared in the Vale of Evereska; many rumors spoke of this or that hired wizard (or even Elorfindar or someone working for him) luring her into a fatal trap, or augmenting or emboldening the monstrous flora.
After his mother died, Filarion no longer felt welcome at the Unicorn and Crescent and fell in with the Knaves of the Missing Page. Filarion spent the next three decades wandering throughout the eastern Heartlands and the coastal lands all around the Sea of Fallen Stars, making his living as an adventurer and as a thief, all the while serving the goals of the Knaves of the Missing Page.
Late in the Year of the Moonfall (1344 DR), Filarion “retired” from life on the road and returned to the lower Delimbiyr Vale, where he had been born. (The timing of his conicident with the announcement of the Retreat was not unrelated; Filarion continues to serve the Knaves of Missing Page by targeting adventurers who have stolen elven artifacts from the ruins of the Realm of the Deepening Moon.) After reintroducing himself to the members of House Floshin, Filarion settled in the town of Daggerford, feeling more comfortable amidst the hustle-and-bustle of a caravan stop along the Trade Way than on his grandfather’s estate. Many locals believe Filarion is lying low to escape the notice of powerful foes, and living off huge amounts of purloined wealth. (Their suspicions are, at least in part, correct, as there are many wizards in the Inner Sea Lands who would dearly love to see his head on a pike.)
Despite the historic tension between Elorfindar and his parents, Filarion now has an easy, comfortable relationship with most other members of House Floshin. Since settling in Daggerford, he has serve as the primary resident and caretaker of the Floshin House. Filarion uses the house to host intimate gatherings of visiting elves, half-elves, bards, and other friends of the Fair Folk that involve bardic performances, gambling, and winetasting.
Filarion’s closest living relative in Daggerford is his half-brother, Kelson Darktreader, but, despite sharing a common father, they are barely cordial to each other for a variety of reasons. For his part, Filarion blames Kelson for the tensions between Filvendor and Elorfindar that led to his growing up without his father, rather than blaming his father’s rakish ways (which he himself continues to emulate). Filarion and Kelson are also as different as night and day, with the former charming and ingratiating and the latter surly and uncommunicative, which contributes to continued misunderstandings of the motives and ambitions of the other.
When not found at the Floshin House, Filarion can be commonly encountered at the Lady Luck Tavern, the River Shining Tavern, or Fairfortune Hall. He is well known and well liked in town, and a favorite patron at his usual haunts.